cosy club

Fuji X-Pro2 part one | Portrait photography at the Cosy Club

In the seven years that I've been in business, I have only ever been a Canon shooter. With my usual cameras, I don't have to think about my way around the settings. I know my kit inside out... And then I decided it was time to mix it up a bit. 

After having played with a Fuji X-Pro2 at Snap Photography Festival, I wanted to see if I could incorporate one into my work. For this shoot I paired the X Pro2 with the XF-23mm f1.4, giving me the equivalent of 35mm focal length. 

The X-Pro2 is a very different camera to what I'm used to. For one thing it's mirrorless so it's small and light... (I can't emphasise enough how light it is). Adjusting to using an electronic viewfinder took a while. This isn't going to be an in-depth review about the technical aspects of shooting Fuji. I need to get to know it better first. What I will say is that all these differences made it just so darn fun to shoot with. It took me out of my comfort zone in the best way. 

The wonderful Nellie came to model for me and we used the richly decorated surroundings of The Cosy Club in Derby. I've wanted to shoot in there since the first time I had brunch there and couldn't decide what was more perfect: the window light or the poached eggs. Anyway, that's quite enough waffling (brunch pun intended!) for now... time for some photos!

So that's it for now... I can't wait to get to know my new Fuji better and share more of my experience with trying a new system. I know that so many photographers right now are switching to mirrorless or tempted to, so please let me know if there's any topics you'd like me to cover in future blog posts!